A Message from Lil Helper
At Lil Helper, we are all about community. We always try to put our money where our mouth is whether it be donating to charity for our Rainbow Baby initiative, offering a God Forbid Guarantee, supporting charities that help make diapers more accessible, or simply trusting and helping parents when they ask for it.
Another way we try to build this community and create positivity is through our LilHelper: Unsnapped Facebook Community. It takes a village to raise a child, and we all need some help sometimes. At Lil Helper we have worked hard to create a space that is safe and positive for parents. Caring for and helping our customers is our number one priority. Here is one story that came from this amazing group of parents, lifting each other up, and we couldn’t be happier with the outcome. We are so proud of the community we have and everyone who is a part of this wonderful Lil Helper family.
Jessie’s Story: Community & Cloth Diapers
My name is Jessie and I'm a cloth diapering Mama.
In my life I've jumped on many a band wagon. Oils, Tupperware etc. I've never stuck with any of them. But my cloth diapers, they are something I'm proud of. I've stuck with them, mastered my wash routine, stayed on top of diaper laundry. I owned the decision I made to help the environment and limit my single user items.
2020/2021 has been rough. For all of us. I got hit with a string of bad luck I wouldn't wish on my enemies.
From the pandemic, to the sudden and tragic loss of a friend/family member, to having a miscarriage, to getting pregnant again 3 weeks after my D&C (I wasn't ready!), to crashing my car…. I just couldn't catch a break.
One day I left 2 wet bags full of clean, unfolded diapers in my dad's car that I was borrowing at the time. The hatch doesn't lock but I mean they are bags of unfolded diapers. They looked like rags if you just peeked in the bag. I sent my boyfriend to bring them in and he only brought in one bag. I thought that was odd but didn't really think much of it. The space dino bag had the least amount of diapers in it and it's the bag he left in the car. I decided I would just grab it later. But when I went to get it it wasn't there.
My heart sank. Everything I had lost in the the last year came flooding back. I couldn't stop crying. I was 8 months pregnant. Soon to have 2 in diapers and I lost 10ish diaper covers, most of my boosters and and night time inserts. Instead of economically growing my stash to meet the needs of two babes I now hardly had enough for one. And nothing for over nights. I didn't even have enough inserts to fill my covers.
My friends and family felt bad. But they couldn't relate. My boyfriend was firm, we are continuing to use cloth. We just need to breathe and figure it out. In my heartbroken frustration I turned to the only people I knew would feel my pain. Our LilHelper: Unsnapped group.
I just needed emotional support. Like minded people who would understand the loss I was feeling, people who would encourage me to make it through this tough patch. What I found was so much more.
I wrote a vent post. Explaining my bad luck and how the loss of my diapers was really weighing on me. Our community wrapped their arms around me and lifted me up. Instantly I had regular parents, like myself, giving me words of love and support.
Then to my shock, surprise, disbelief, people started offering to send me diapers and inserts they are no longer using. A couple wonderful people ordered clearance deals for me. Some sent me brand new diapers still in packages, some sent me EUC diapers and inserts, some people asked what diapers I lost so they could replace those exact ones. One loving soul even sent me hand made Harlem pants for the new baby and a grow with me tunic for my daughter!
I ended up with more than I lost. And more importantly my "bucket" was filled, my faith was restored and my joy was renewed.
I've never received so much from a company before. Thank you Lil Helper for designing a product that attracts such beautiful people. Thank you for giving us a space to get to know and care for each other. And thank you fellow Unsnappers. You were there when I needed you 💜
Love and gratitude Jessie and the growing family!🥰

CEO & Product Designer
Mohammed runs Lil Helper with his wife Sophia. A former Aerospace engineer (yes, really!), he left his job to pursue his passion for creating reusable, sustainable products for pee, poop, and periods. Living the dream, right? It is for Mohammed, who has a serious thing for solving customer problems through product designs like reusable cloth diapers and cloth menstrual pads. He likes to think Lil Helper is him if he were to magically turn into a business. Before your imagination runs wild, it’s because he shares the same values—kind capitalism, antifragility, and innovation. Oh, and he likes banana split ice cream.
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